Thursday, 30 December 2010

Interview questions - typing them up

In order to interview Bert Wallis, we needed to have a set of pre-arranged questions. These were created by our group chair person - Victoria. The questions were mainly about Bert Wallis' company and his intentions and how he wants the websited to be designed and relevant information/pages we should include.
Examples of the relevant question we asked:

  • "What methods do you use to advertise the artists?"
  • "Do you want some information on the artists, for example a bibliography?"
  • "Do you want the logo to link to the homepage?"
  • "Are the public able to contact the artists?"
When Bert Wallis was answering the questions we ensure we recorded his responses. This was carried out by IG the minutes secetary on that particular week. These responses were recorded and then typed up and distributed to the rest of the team members.

Constructing and modifying layouts

To construct and modify layout for the website I am going to create I needed to discover and research other artsit websites and study the layouts. This helped me gather ideas of how a professional website should look and therefore I could base my website upon these. The two websites I used to research were:

  • Eagle gallery artists
  • John Bucks Sculpture
The Eagle gallery artists website was a website based around paintings and drawings. The layout of this website was particularly helpful. This is because it was a professional website but also very simple at the same time. For example, the layout and navigation was easy to get used to because it had a tooldbar down the right hand side of the page where all the aoptions were located. These options were in black bolf font ans were easy to read therefore making navigation easy. The website was easy to look at aswell becasie it had large images and samples of painting that the website produce which scrolled across the screen. The characteristics of this website really helped me decide what I wanted my website to look like and I gathered many ideas from this.

The second website I researched was John Bucks Sculpture, which was based more around abstract art and sculptures. This I particularly liked this website purely becasue of the home page. The is a centrepeice of art and then the title "John Buck Sculpture" in the middle of the page just below. There is a timeline style navigation bar at the bottom of the page where you can choose from a range of options like "contact us" and "gallery". This gave me a few more ideas of the pages i should include in my website. Another idea I used was in the gallery page. This had an option where you could hover over the artwork and it would enlarge and appear on the right. This is a good example of interactivity that I would like to include in my website.

Monday, 13 December 2010

Agenda and minutes templates

In this lesson I reasearched pre-prepared agendas and minutes to get an idea of how to set my own minutes and agenda. An example of one one the agendas and minutes can be seen by the following link:

This particular website helped me research of how proper minutes and agendas should look. This enabled me to gather ideas of how my own minutes and agendas should look. This website provided a proper structure of how the minutes should look and the relevant content they should include. I will base my minutes and agendas on the research i have completed myself because without the research I would not know how to do this. Another example of my research is:

This was one of the main templates that I looked when i researched. This helped me out alot becasue as you can clearly see, this is a well structured example and gives quite a lot of content, which I can change around and make my own.This agenda basically outlines what type of people are at the meeting and what will be discussed.